We Help, Inspire & Change The World!
Detailed user manual covering all functionalities of Med2TEC, providing step-by-step instructions on how to navigate and use each feature. It includes screenshots and examples to make learning easier. Our online knowledge base is regularly updated with articles, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides.
Regular webinars on different aspects of Med2TEC, hosted by our expert trainers where participants can ask specific questions and get immediate answers. Custom live training sessions can be arranged on-site or virtually and tailored to your team’s requirements.
Med2TEC includes built-in help features and tooltips buttons that provide instant assistance while you use the software. Interactive walkthroughs guide users through complex processes step-by-step, ensuring they can complete tasks efficiently without needing to leave the application.
At Softusion Inc., we are committed to ensuring that your experience with Med2TEC is smooth, productive, and continuously beneficial. Our after-sale support services are designed to provide ongoing assistance, maintenance, and enhancements to help you maximize the value of our software.
Here’s a detailed overview of the support services we offer to all Med2TEC users:
Please contact us and we would be happy to meet you in person or online to answer any questions about your specific needs and to provide you with a Demo of the software.
9:00 am to 7:00 pm Mon-Fri